Good morning on the 22nd of August, State Flag Day of the Russian Federation, which has been hoisted above a place where a legendary counter-offensive was supposed to take place but none of that matters today. Today you will read awful headlines of the so-called “spiritual guide” of big bad Vlad, Aleksandr Dugin’s daughter who was lost to flame yesterday.
Imagine the sheer human pain, people. I’ve never lost anybody young in my life, and the closest pain I could imagine is losing my little sister, my junior of 12 years, and the only word that comes to mind is devastation. Darya Dugina is no more, because people wanted his father dead. I truly lack the words…
I have never met Aleksandr, but I am familiar with his work. To be perfectly honest with you I never found his work very impressive. Take the Fourth Political Theory for example, an entertaining book that describes all previous Political Theories very well, and then fails to introduce a new one. And – as it turns out – he was a voice far too vocal in the beginning of this SMO, favoring a staunch Anti-Western policy, and calling for caution as far as the enemy’s motivations go, a stance that cost him his job at Moscow State University. His influence in Russian thought, and especially in regard to the policies of the Kremlin are overblown in the Mainstream Media to say the least. He has never met or interacted with Vladimir.
I had to write that, even though today none of that matters, because today Aleksandr is a daughterless father, a human being in indescribable pain. I can scarcely imagine it. Can you? He was working late, so he told Darya to drive his car home, and in an instant that car went up in a flash and a thud. She was 30 and recently finished her doctorate in philosophy. I regard the Western Mainstream media as culpable in this tragedy, because Aleksandr has been sanctioned by Britain and shared a spot on the Mirotvorets blacklist with my Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán.
I am disregarding everything else I see today, and there is no need for politics or analysis. There is only the need for basic human decency. Darya was once a little girl, and if not for the machinations of pure evil, she would have become a mother one day. That is all you need to know, and I can’t imagine his father’s pain. Whatever the – ongoing – investigation yields, whatever the response is, nothing will change this. I am devastated and offer my sincere condolences to all who loved her.
I won’t conclude in the usual good day line, so if you made it this far, thank you for reading.
Peace, Land and Bread
From Facebook Archives : 22 August 2022