Good day on the 19th of August, Revolution Day – Ngày Cách mạng – in Vietnam commemorating the August Revolution of 1945 and the Day of Victory for the revolution in Hanoi. Afghanistan, the cemetery of Empires, as torn and ravaged as She is, celebrates her initial independence from the British, gained when the Treaty of Rawalpindi was signed in 1919. In Iran it is also a very significant day, but not one that’s celebrated.
It was this day in 1953 that the CIA and MI6 – once classified now proudly boasted about, called Operation Ajax – organized a coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh for the high crime of wanting to nationalize the country’s Oil assets and expel British capital siphoning off the country’s wealth. They installed the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and literally paid – to the tune of $5 million – all the coup plotting military personnel’s salaries within two days of the coup. As all imperial interventions, they of course failed in 1979 when the Persian Monarchy was abolished, British Petroleum was kicked out and Iranian Oil was finally owned by the Iranian people, and the sanctions soon followed. This was the day when Iran became the big bad Islamic State – a perception many people grew up with – and not a moment before. Do you think the people of Iran have forgotten this history?
I don’t think so. I remember back twenty years ago when North – or Free – Korea went – in the eyes of Western Media consumers – from just another socialist state to the Totalitarian Dystopian Hell On Earth they like to describe today. It was incredibly sudden. The DPRK leadership learned an important lesson from Saddam’s Iraq, and Ghaddafi’s Libya : If you give up your weapons the empire will decimate you. So they didn’t and PyongYang still stands, while the once beautiful Tripoli and Baghdad lie in ruin.
Free Korea has a chance at becoming a normal, legitimate country once again today, thanks to the rise of China and Russia, but this is a far cry from what some people are talking about : Some kind of military alliance, or Korean military sent to the land of the Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes. The core of the matter is that Big Bad Vlad – along with DPR leader Denis Pushilin – sent a perfectly routine note of congratulation to Kim Jong Un on August 15, the National Liberation Day of the Juche Socialist State, and some “journalist” picked this up and made a mountain out of a mole-hill.
The only credible news that the Donetsk People’s Republic’s leadership has hinted at, is the possible presence Korean professionals in the Republic’s Reconstruction efforts – something they would be quite proficient at given that PyongYang was once completely flattened to the ground level, and millions perished in war, at a rate surpassing the Soviet casualty rate of the Great Patriotic War. This would mean the two are in fact countries, engaging in trade agreements and cooperation like any other country, and nothing more.
So today let’s look at the big picture, the birdseye view that I tried to detail in my two-part, 4,000 word monster article yesterday : The Requiem of Western Power. It was supposed to look like 1991, in the heads of the Collective West’s leadership, when they provoked Russia for eight long years via their proxy in Kiev, who had the best equipped and trained de-facto NATO army on Earth, and still could not win an engagement since 2015 with the breakaway Republics. Russia was supposed to be a basket case. The ten-fold increase in shelling in the Don Basin that triggered this – actually a genuine humanitarian – intervention was supposed to be a trap for the gas station with nukes, the economy the size of Italy, or Texas or pick your county. So after painting the SMO in the familiar colors of “unprovoked invasion”, the NATOstan juggernaut was supposed to rip the weak and ill-equipped Russian Army to pieces, and the Sanctions were supposed to turn the Ruble and Russia’s Economy to rubble, so they could rush in and grab Russia’s resources for free and partition the country like they did when the drunkard Yeltsin was in power.
Except the world is not as it was in 1991, not even close to what they imagined. This next week will be incredibly painful for people who followed the Westnet narrative of events this whole time, because this proxy conflict with Russia is definitively lost by NATO and the West, and they know it. No EU nation has made new aid commitments to Kiev, and despite alarmist headlines ( arm them before it’s too late, by the way I read “too late” on Western media a lot this morning ) Ukraine is being put on an “ammunition diet” – Michael Kofman told Der Spiegel in a paywalled interview – because Europe has nothing left. They have no military, and nothing more to sanction, all they have left is their precious Schengen Visas that nobody in Russia cares about.
The die is cast, the paint is on the wall, my friends. Instead of a decimated ruin, Russia has absorbed the blows, and the West is revising it’s Russian GDP forecasts every week, going from a severe 15-20% contraction in March to just 4% now, basically a hiccup. And instead of creating another Sino-Soviet split, instead of exhausting all of Russia’s Military resources the Russian Armed forces are preparing for the upcoming massive Vostok military games, with some surprise participants : China, India, Mongolia, Belarus and Tajikistan. And oh my God has China joined Russia when it comes to rhetoric, in a brand new way since the Pelosi debacle in Taiwan. An Op-Ed came out yesterday on Global times titled : As the US attempts to sustain hegemony, China, Russia safeguard international order, justice.
This is happening while at the Army 2022 military exhibition in Moscow they are showing off combat-tested systems that kick NATO *ss to the world, while as a kind of joke also displaying a pristine condition M-777 howitzer they purchased for pennies – see under sources – as an example of what not to buy. This failed Wunderwaffe is a symbol of our times.
And as for the project of international woke imperialism – or globalism to some – Vlad the Impaler has made his crucial and consequential victory speech, once and for all retiring the idea into the dustbin of History. He spoke with clarity about the old system of sewing chaos, interference, coups and meddling only to “sponge off” the resources of countries, perfectly crafted to echo in the hearts of the leaders of the global south : Africa, South America and Asia, who know the whip of Colonialism intimately. He describes this project, a de-facto new system of colonialism as a failed hegemony, and unlike a few decades ago a clear alternative now exists, for anyone to participate in. Where once there was only the dollar, only subjugation or overthrow, now there is BRICS, the SCO, the Euraisian Union, alternate banking and financial systems, free from US interference, and they are expanding so fast it’s hard to believe. And in the end, it wasn’t Moscow that was in splendid isolation. It was the US – aside from a few colonies – and its Western European vassals.
Mali kicked out France this week, and aligned instead with Russia. OPEC is pumping out oil at maximum capacity, and Xi Jinping is heading for Ryadh, to meet MBS, the de-facto leader of the group. Brazil – despite Bolsonaro also on his way to the dustbin – is poised to have Lula as president again, who is openly calling for a new South American currency. Iran is calling for a new SCO currency, and global de-dollarization, out in the open! Blinken made a fool of himself in South Africa – good on them for showing him the door – while African and Arab leaders were lining up to shake the hand of Sergei Lavrov, warmly. The greatest opportunist of all time, Türkiye’s Erdoğan is milking his “neutral” position to the maximum, trying to negotiate a diplomatic settlement with Elensky and UN chief Gutierres in Lvov, while ditching the US dollar in trade with Russia. Both Vlad and Xi Jinping will be attending the upcoming G20 summit in Indonesia in person. Russia is calling out the fake narrative – pretty much every hour now – in the place where Zaporozhets was made, calling for UN and IAEA inspectors who just won’t come. Just like the million-man Kherson Offensive Western commentators have been building up since March, is not coming.
And while the prices of goods have been falling in Russian supermarkets for months, Europe has been sacrificed at the pyre of RussiaBad insanity. After banning and sanctioning books, trees, athletes and music, we are experiencing all-time record inflation in the Eurozone – something Hungary is luckily not part of – the highest ever on the books. Europeans are paying for gas at prices seven times higher than the United States, and Russia is making more money, selling less. Qatar has no gas to give to Germany, and the Italians are getting energy bills from 520% to 733% higher than this time last year.
The Super Mario Draghis, the Olafs and Micróns are in deep trouble because they sacrificed their country’s economic viability, not to mention sovereignty on Washington’s orders and a reckoning is coming fast. The number of EU firms facing bankruptcy has been growing for the fourth consecutive quarter and the deputy secretary of the Bundestag has joined other voices calling for the certification of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, axed on the first day of this conflict, and it looks like the German Government responds every week saying that they are not discussing the pipeline.
They don’t know, do they, that the gas earmarked for that project has already been sold. They are in trouble, they know it, but they don’t know what to do because they have no realistic options. Siemens Energy is now calling for social media users to entertain the “lonely” Nord Stream ( one ) gas turbine in Mülheim by adding songs to a playlist! You read that right, and today Gazprom has trolled the living hell out of them by submitting “Breaking the Law” by Judas Priest, and I couldn’t stop laughing! But there is even more madness in Germany today, where German “Intelligence” has announced that Russia is the one spreading fake news among German citizens about gas shortages and rising food prices. How can economic realities suddenly be called Russian misinformation? This is the peak “Russia did it” moment of our lives.
As House Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin put it today : the US has doomed Europe to hunger and cold. The only person to speak up has been my prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who just yesterday correctly cited the demonstrative end of Western hegemony globally. The West cannot win militarily, and the sanctions have failed. I detect no lies. Let us pause here for a moment. I have a little gas convector I heat my apartment with in the winter and my “általány” – averaged out – payments have not risen in five years. My electricity bill rose by about 20% but it is still about the price of a carton of cigarettes, but what is that compared to those Italian bills? Of course I have noticed the rise in the price of daily goods, but unlike my fellows, I know the source of the inflation that they are afraid to even pronounce : Sanctions. So as opposed to so many of my misguided countrymen and women, these prices did not trigger childhood hatred for Viktor in me, someone I grew up hating because of his active role in the destruction and then revision of our Socialist past.
I am in fact grateful he was steering this ship through this particular storm, and didn’t partake in the insane russophobia, and the resulting economic ruin in exchange for a pat on the head by Brussels and Washington. I don’t know why I can acknowledge when he is right, and absolutely call him out when he isn’t, but so many Hungarians still see the devil, or the archangel they have always seen. It is a strangely depressing sight, but sooner or later it will have to give way to reality.
The Epic Medvedev was more gentle than Volodin, blaming not the people of Europe, but their misguided foolish leaders. He speaks to us – sans Hungary and Serbia – this way : Act, European neighbors! Do not be silent. Call your fools to account. And we will hear you. The benefit is obvious – in winter it is much warmer and more comfortable in Russian company than in splendid isolation with the gas stove turned off and the battery flat.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. Many of the claims here come from sources in yesterday’s two-part article, as a kind of recap, and only new developments are sourced today. Have a lovely Friday afternoon or evening, or perhaps a Saturday morning down under, whatever sky looks down on you reading these lines.
Peace, Land and Bread
From Facebook Archives : 19 August 2022
- Source – DPR, DPRK cooperation ( RUS ): - Source – Ammunition diet ( insane media, paywalled ): - Source – Ammunition diet ( RT clone ): - Source – Arm them before it’s too late ( insane media ): - Source – Russia GDP projection now ( financial data ): - Source – China to attend Vostok: - Source – China on Hegemony: - Source – Xi Putin G20 ( RUS ): - Source – Türkiye doing diplomacy ( RUS ): - Source – Eurozone Inflation ( RT clone / Eurostat ): - Source – Gas Seven Times Price ( RT clone / CNN ): - Source – 520% energy bill increase ( twitter ): - Source – 733% energy bill increase ( twitter ): - Source – More bankruptcy ( RT clone / Eurostat ): - Source – NordStream One Now ( RT clone ): - Source – Siemens playlist Gazprom ( RUS ): - Source – German “Intelligence” ( RUS ): - Source – Volodyn’s Hunger and Cold ( RUS, telegram ): - Source – Orbán speaks out ( RT clone ): - Source – Medvedev to Europeans ( RUS, telegram ):