Good morning on the 12th of August, Didoroba in Georgia, National Mother’s Day in Thailand, and Air Force Day in Russia. On this day in 1950 the US Department of Defense published – for the first time – a guide on how to protect yourself in the case of a nuclear attack. To some of you, either via childhood memories or the Fallout game series, the phrase “Duck and Cover” might ring familiar, which led to a new boom in the construction of doomsday shelters and survivalist bunkers in the US. Something that never made a lick of sense to me because I know the International Space Station receives food shipments grown on Earth. In the age of massive nuclear arsenals, that first blast marks the end of the productive capabilities of the planet and the best I could hope for is a quick and painless end to those I love and myself.
Well that’s a gloomy start, sorry about that! It looks like that Zaporozhets affair has left a mark on my mind, which has ended now with basically nobody at the United Nations supporting the Kiev version of events. I’m sorry I’m this late, as you will see this week was incredibly eventful, so without further flutter, let’s look at some Unrealities™ people consuming Westnet News are apparently believing. First off we have Germany and Olaf – it doesn’t have to be a snowman – Scholz who is urging Russia to take back that damn turbine he has been photographed with like a Savanna poacher with a dead elephant. He – and he’s even named his predecessor Gernard Schröder as chief candidate to help resolve the energy crisis – is on the one hand supplying weapons that will kill Russians, and on the other demanding equitable energy trade with Russia? How exactly does this work?
Second we have good old Mother England, which believes itself a world power and rich financial hub, which admittedly it once was. It is facing the steepest real wage drop in a century according to the Trade Union Congress. If you live in the United Kingdom and earn the same wage at the end of the year, you have been made 7.75% poorer. In addition – and it is still early August – there are 6.5 million British households who “owe” an average of £206 ($252), to Energy Providers, in a new Record Total £1.3 Billion ahead of what must be called the most expensive winter in Britain.
This of course means cash they could not pay. In addition, if Bloomberg’s numbers are to be believed 43% of Britons – which would be 12 million households – are struggling to pay their energy bills. If you don’t understand this crucial point you’re missing the entire story. They now have an actual campaign – called Don’t Pay UK, which the media is doing its miserable best to counter – to simply not pay. To add a cherry on top, Norway – faced with a drought – is preparing a further major blow to the Brits by reducing its energy exports! Have we finally grasped what’s going on in the traditional heartlands of Europe, or do I have to continue to repeat myself? Please just take a look at today’s covers for major British newspapers the BBC has handily compiled today, under sources.
Third, we have the Baltic Chihuahuas – Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia – who believe themselves to be vicious Rottweilers, no offense to either breed by the way. They are barely countries, who owe their existence to the crimes committed on the Soviet People in 1991, and they are barking as loud as if they were world-spanning empires. Estonia was the source of the imagined Schengen visa ban on all Russians, which even the UN’s Antonio Gutierres, the US State Department and Olaf have rejected. It, along with Latvia have now quit a cooperative agreement with China, the manufacturer of the world, only to be outdone by Lithuania who promised to send a delegation to Taiwan. Not content with all this madness, they have also mulled sanctioning and disowning their own citizens, figure skaters, for the crime of performing in a sports show in Russia. What happened that broke the three Baltic Midgets’ brains?
Fourth there is the US of A, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free. I’ve told you about the Trump raid – which Lex Luthor’s Wapo claims was about classified documents regarding nuclear weapons, we don’t know whose and we don’t know wether or not they were found, but those legendary Unnamed Officials have told us this much – but I haven’t told you about another massive story : The weaponization of the Internal Revenue Service – via a provision in Joe’s Inflation Reduction Act – and the hiring of 87,000 new tax collectors who will be cleared to use deadly force – according to an official job posting two days ago. Once more their presstitutes are doing their miserable best to “fact check” this story out of existence on the pages of Time magazine, and the obligatory corrections in footers, but the facts remain : nearly $80 billion new funding has been afforded to the agency, which will monitor americans who earn less than $75,000.
Of course this new tax army won’t be wielded against the parasites atop hills of gold, it will be auditing gig-workers and those employed in gray and black labor markets, the wretched of the Earth. The United States has always waged a covert war on her citizens, bringing their horrific foreign crimes straight back home, but that war has just become overt. I don’t have a crystal ball to glean the future, but perhaps it is suffice to say that my hopes for a sane America emerging peacefully from the ruins of this administration are all but dead. I don’t know how much more of this the people can take. This is all happening while Blinken is feigning “concerns” over the arrest of a Congolese opposition politician, literally days after the FBI raided the home of a US president.
Finally there is the king of all unrealities : the Greenback, or the United States dollar being worth anything other than the paper it was printed on. India has phased out the USD from her trade favoring Asian and the Russian currencies – I reported a few days ago – and are now projected to become Asia’s fastest growing economy contributing 28% and 22% to regional and global growth respectively throughout 2023. Türkiye has penned that huge trade deal with Russia in Sochi this week the details of which also ditch the dollar! Do you understand now how the world is openly abandoning the fabled Global Reserve Currency, backed by nothing but the war machine? Countries used to be decimated for this crime, as was Ghaddafi’s beautiful Libya, which planned to introduce the gold-backed pan-african Dinar and now one country after the other is openly declaring their departure from the blood-soaked dollar.
There is a commodities boom coming our way, unleashed in large part by the Western Sanctions war against the Russian Federation, and it will benefit only those who have or produce those commodities, and any sane leader of a country sees the writing on the wall. Do we finally understand how the the world is not only changing but has already decisively changed, in favor of those who produce things, not the fictive casino sectors – meaning finance in London, New York and Tokyo – in hollowed-out service economies which produce nothing but the occasional HIMARS and other Wunderwaffen? Do we finally get it now?
I used to say never create anything in anger but yesterday’s post was basically powered by it, not only at MOL paying the ransom, and Elensky demanding Crimea – which right after Maidan overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine eight years ago – but at the criminally misinformed Hungarians who have yet to face this singular new reality. I write these words with the ones I love in mind : Challenging the myths one was brought up to believe may be painful, but delaying that pain will only increase it. I am trying to help you grow, not hurt you.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading and have a lovely Friday morning, afternoon or evening whatever sky looks down upon you reading these lines.
Peace, Land and Bread
From Facebook Archives : 12 August 2022
- Source – No UN support for Ukraine version ( RUS ): - Source – Scholz and his turbine ( RT clone ): - Source – Scholz now likes Schröder ( RT clone ): - Source – UK wage drop ( RT clone, and TUC ): - Source – UK record energy debt ( business press ): - Source – UK fights don’t pay campaign ( insane press ): - Source – British Newspaper covers today ( insane press ): - Source – Norway exports to UK plunge ( insane press ): - Source – Latvia and Estonia quit Beijing ( hostile press ): - Source – China responds to Lithuania on Taiwan: - Source – Lithuanian Ice-Skaters ( RT clone ): - Source – UN says no to Visa ban ( RT clone ): - Source – US says no to Visa ban ( RUS ): - Source – Even Germany says no to Visa ban ( RT clone ): - Source – Trump raid about nukes ( insane press ): - Source – US ‘Concerned’ ( RT clone ): - Source – IRS official job post: - Source – IRS expansion ( insane press ): - Source – Time burying the IRS story ( insane press ): - Source – India ditches dollar ( RT clone ): - Source – India fastest growing ( RT clone ): - Source – Russia-Türkiye ditch dollar ( RT clone ):