Good morning on the 17th of August, Bolivia’s Flag Day, Independence Day in the largest Island Nation in the world, Indonesia – from Japan in 1945 – and in Gabon – at least on paper, from France in 1960. You can skip the historic introduction if you like, but there are a few other holidays which might interest you today.
For example if you’re interested in the Black Liberation movement, you should definitely know about Marcus Garvey Day – celebrated in Jamaica – who was a black nationalist, and Pan-Africanist, the father of Garveyism which had it’s flaws – including black separatism, very much like its opposite, the KKK in America – but was hugely influential on later movements like the Rastafari, the Nation of Islam and the Black Power movement. Or General José de San Martín Memorial Day, on the anniversary of the loss of the liberator of Argentina, Chile and Perú – which my Slovene friend still insists : Does not exist.
Speaking of Slovenia, it is the Day of reunification of the Prekmurje region with the mother people. It is the North-Easternmost part of Slovenia, which on August 17, 1919 ascended to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, most of which belongs to the Slovenian Republic today and makes up the region Pomurska or “area beyond the Mura” – Muravidék in Hungarian – with its largest city : Murska Sobota – Muraszombat or Mura-Saturday – respectfully signposted in both languages. We stopped there to honor a beautifully maintained Soviet memorial on our way home from Slovenia.
It is not to be confused with Primorska, the South-Westernmost area which ascended not from Austro-Hungary but from the Habsburgs, and in Socialist times gave birth to the best Slovene Partizan song I’ve ever heard: Vstala Primorska, Rise Primorska! You can listen to its sad rolling melody – describing historic sorrow – slowly turn into a roaring call for the people rise and assert themselves once and for all, as the audience rises in salute. It reminds me of so many Hungarian Revolutionary songs and I understand it perfectly even though the words are foreign.
PERSONAL DISCLAIMER : I don’t know what exactly happened to me the past couple of days, but my ears were ringing, my eyes felt like they were an inch further into my skull and even if I closed them the world was still spinning. Considering our temperatures it might have been sunstroke – napszúrás, or sun-stab as we call it – or just some other front-related ailment but the fact to the matter is that I found it incredibly difficult to concentrate or read, but I have taken notes as best I could. So today – with somewhat improved mental clarity but always with the built-in guilt of falling behind on at least one job – I will do my best to compress the vital news of the past few days as much as I can, but I expect this one will be at least 3,000 words, maybe more, and I have split it into two. I am also quite glad that literally hours after my last ( proper ) publication both Alexes of the Duran highlighted the Tisdall madness that I did, I just wish they covered the MOL debacle too. Finally, as you know a simple like is all the support I’ll ever ask of you, but if you choose to share my writing, you are always free to cut parts of it out, use others, you don’t need permission from me. So here goes!
It seems like another age, when it was only a year ago yesterday that the Taliban routed the US Armed Forces and its NATO allies from Afghanistan, after rivers of blood and more than three trillion dollars in expenditure. It left a ruined medieval state, after twenty years of “nation-building”, and images reminiscent of Saigon. The people of Afghanistan have had their foreign reserves – to the tune of $7 billion – frozen ever since, and the current administration still refuses to release them. The increasingly assertive Chinese Foreign Ministry has called a spade a spade two years ago, the “blowing up of the land and snatching of assets” : “a Kabul Moment, the US is still trapped in”.
Instead of Afghan sands, the United States is steeped in the muds of Ukraine, where history is very close to a watershed moment and another repetition of events not long past. At least 3,000 forgotten “allies” with “sensitive knowledge of US operations” left behind after the exodus from Kabul have fled to Iran seeing no other choice, at least according to an unreleased GOP House report cited by Lex Luthor’s WaPo and CNN. They fear that like the Afghans, other unevacuated throw-away allies may be subject to recruitment by US adversaries “like Iran, China or Russia”. So it will be with the Alphabet of Jihadis in Northern Syria and whatever is left of the Ukrainian Armed forces and their NATO handlers. This week was a week of change, with both reputable and tabloid media turning on Elensky the clown, the latest of which was the absolute garbage that is Newsweek – which I would usually ignore – but it is noteworthy that to Steve Cortes – a former Trump aide – the most serious crime Elensky committed was wanting to talk to Xi Jinping, “the most dangerous adversary of the United States”, which surprised me, and it even made its way to Hungarian media! We will return to China in conclusion.
The provocations in Ukraine continue, as Kiev hit the Russian-held area surrounding a power station in the place where Zaporozhets was once made 25 times in two hours, using US-made M777 Howitzers! My blood froze when I read the words of Vladimir Rogov, a member of the chief council of the Region’s administration, thank you very much Joe BobbleHead Biden! The tiny Emanüelle Micrón of France has called for an IAEA mission to the area, and both the Maria Zakharova, and Rogov of the ZNPP echoed each other, in saying that Ukrainian and Western officials are trying to keep the IAEA away, because once they arrive, it would be obvious and undeniable who is responsible for the shelling, and evidence would then be hard to bury – which echoes the alleged incident Douma, Damascus, where it is now undeniable that exactly the same happened. There are serious developments surrounding Crimea that I will return to in Part Two, about Europe and Russia.
Meanwhile Elensky is continuing the cleansing of his Security Forces – the SBU – at the highest levels, firing the chiefs of the largest branches : Kiev, Lvov, and Ternopol, always a good sign for a supposedly victorious regime. They are borrowing money ( $7.3 billion ) to pay for weapons, and printing money which is “worth the risk of high inflation, and better to risk it than not pay soldier’s salaries”. The walls are closing in, and Kuleba – Elensksy’s Foreign Minister – cries about Western countries “waiting for Ukraine to fall, and their problems to disappear”, and for once, he is correct. Zakharova is also correct in her Telegram response : Everything you need to know about the true patriotism of the Kiev Regime is evident in the fact that Kuleba’s children, parents and dogs left the country on 24 February.
Now I understand this is somewhat funny but I have to call out evil when I see it. And if the Zaporozhets news was not evil enough, wait until you read this headline from the Kyiv Independent that came out this damn morning : Receiving or distributing Russian humanitarian aid in occupied territories is to be considered collaborationism. This law came into force yesterday, and according to it a person receiving water, potatoes, medicine or a damn blanket from the Russians can be punished by up to 15 years in jail. I am speechless.
You should also know – whether you support them or not – that Caleb Maupin’s CPI held their Unite Against the Imperialists Conference earlier this month, a place where I heard from so many speakers : Russia is not our Enemy, China is not our enemy, it was undeniably refreshing, so were the flags of Donbass, China, of Historic Victory and the Contemporary Z you can see under sources today. I would like to highlight Tara Reade’s speech, in which she mentions not only her personal journey – for which she instantly got labeled a Russian agent – but the true Heroes of our time, not only Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Daniel Hale, but Alina Lipp, Graham Philips, and Eva Bartlett, all guilty of the supreme crime of reporting about what is actually happening in the Donbass.
And in a truly heart-breaking conversation – let me say this is not official news but a personal account that I believe – with Eva, she talked of another unspeakable crime. Eva is on Kiev’s blacklist, and now we know what this means because Louise Mensch, a DNC bot farm Brit tagged the Ukrainian Special Forces in a thread of Eva’s reporting on twitter – this much I can confirm. And according to the conversation, a few days later her hotel was bombed, packed with journalists who survived but as the attack was imprecise five civilians did not. Eva has seen horror, in Palestine, in Syria, and she says she cannot describe what she saw in the Donbass.
A little girl called Katya was among them, someone we will never know. She was a rising star in Balet, a little ballerina, her mentor a renowned dancer herself as was her grandmother, all gone now. Katya was two weeks away from going to Leningrad – or St Petersburg if you prefer – to realize her dream, and they were going to this normally beautiful area with a playground. But the indiscriminate fire did not spare them, because Eva Bartlett’s hotel was nearby. I can’t do anything to soften this blow, I’m sorry. But you should know about Katya. I have time coded the source but the entire speech is worth watching.
In conclusion let us return to China : Indeed the old Hegemon is picking fights everywhere against everyone, including renewed provocations against the People’s Republic of China by sending yet another US Congressional delegation to Taipei, which only created new military drills around the island province, but with the approaching US warships, they just might “sleepwalk” into a hot war, at least that is what Singapore’s – acknowledged but not yet appointed – future Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said to Bloomberg on Monday. I overreacted to such stories before, and will not do so again, but I have to tell you that just as they lose every aspect of the conflict in Ukraine, they are indeed sleepwalking into two conflicts at the same time. Increasing provocations against China just as Russia’s Ministry of Defense warned of a direct military clash with the US, yesterday. Kissinger’s little rant described the same fear – on the edge of war were his words – as Ray Mcgovern just did : That a showdown may come “in the coming weeks”, and one that “we will lose” if sanity does not prevail. Douglas MacGregor and Scrott Ritter said the same back in May, before the pantsuit-Pelosi visit, expecting war in six months to a year, also predicting failure.
I’m truly afraid that this possibility might look like a solution to at least some people in the Bobbleahead’s administration as the head of JP Morgan – by far the Riskiest Systematically Important Bank in the US – Jamie Dimon warned yesterday about “something worse than a recession” approaching for the US economy. They have managed one last colonial and symbolic Victory though, in Australia, where the National Capital Authority has terminated the lease agreement for the new Russian Embassy, near Parliament building in Canberra, because it wasn’t being built fast enough.
This was written yesterday, with the final edit applied today, hence the intro and this ending : If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. Have a lovely Wednesday morning, afternoon or evening whatever sky looks down on you reading these lines.
Peace, Land and Bread

From Facebook Archives : 17 August 2022
- Vstala Primorska ( SLO, VID ):
- Source – Afghan assets still frozen: - Source – China on Kabul Moment: - Source – GOP report on botched Afghanistan ( WaPo – insane press, paywalled ): - Source – GOP report on botched Afghanistan ( CNN – insane press ): - Source – Biden downplays Afghan debacle ( white house ): - Source – Cortes Newsweek Elensky ( insane press ): - Source – 25 strikes on plant ( RUS ): - Source – Micrón and IAEA mission ( RT clone ): - Source – Elensky continues crackdown ( RT clone ): - Source – Kiev Borrowing and Printing ( RT clone ): - Source – Kuleba : West waiting for the fall ( RT clone ): - Source – Zakharova responds ( telegram, RUS ): - Source – Receiving aid Collaborationism ( insane, evil press ): - Source – Tara Reade speaks Eva Bartlett ( VID, time coded ): - Source – Louise Mensch outs Eva Bartlett ( twitter ): - Source – US ships to Taiwan Strait: - Source – New Delegation, New Chinese drills ( insane press ): - Source – Sleepwalking into War with China: - Source – Russia Warns of Direct Clash with US ( RT clone ): - Source – McGovern on China, weeks away: - Source – Worse than a recession ( business press ): - Source – Australia, Russian Embassy ( RT clone ):