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Good day on the 18th of August, Border Guard Day in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and Geographer’s day in Russia. I really wanted to finish this two part monster yesterday, and will publish both pieces today but as you can see the introductions were written a day apart, but let’s not linger, we have content to get to. 


As for Europe, while America has considerable economic and military strength left – despite all the talk of an imminent collapse, I’d be careful with such words – Europe has neither, and is therefore posturing, in desperation, in an even more maniacal fashion. The madness has two important epicenters, the East, especially Baltic Midgets, and the United Kingdom, formally outside of the Union, but still a tick on our necks. And we also have a single stupid sacrificial lamb, poor Germany which now thinks in terms of magic. 

The Brits have thought it wise not only to fly a Royal AirForce RC-135 Spy Plane into Russian Airspace near the Murmansk and the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet – chased off after being identified by a Mig-31 Interceptor – but apparently back in June have discussed the destruction of a Crimean Bridge with a Ukrainian lawmaker. This surfaced the day before, on said lawmaker, Aleksey Goncharenko’s Telegram along with a picture of British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, and still sitting Prime Minister BoJo. This we can treat as just another piece of Ukie “psychological warfare”, but that damn Kerch bridge – the Longest in Europe, built by Russia after Crimea overwhelmingly voted to leave the country following the 2014 Euromaidan coup – is not disappearing from the news cycle.

Our favorite Podolyak is back, pressing the point that in fact it “must be destroyed”, and there has been a serious incident in Crimea, a massive ammunition depot explosion. You can watch different civilian videos of the event, and it was basically a miracle that no one died, only one person got injured. The Russian Ministry of Defense has outright called this an act of sabotage – this is so widespread I chose a Ukrainian source – and the Crimean Russian Military is on high alert, and if it turns out that the Brits had anything to do with this there will be hell to pay. 

And why is the tiny Island nation this active in Ukraine? Same reason as her master across the pond. Electricity prices across Europe have doubled in a MONTH according to European Energy Exchange AG, and are more than six times what they were in August 2021. The cost of living crisis in the UK is so bad that people aren’t showing up to work for wages which they know will not sustain them, which in turn leads to such worker shortages that have left £60 Million of food to rot in fields, during a food crisis. The Consumer Price Index in the UK is experiencing the highest inflation – this is headline inflation, different from core inflation – since 1982, my year of birth, and if you check out the government’s data – under sources – you will see that the steep rise began in February 2021, a full year before anything happened in Ukraine! 

The Royal Air Force, for its part, has suspended recruitment of white men for the purpose of filling diversity quotas, and a senior RAF recruiter has resigned in protest. The vast majority – 71% – of British companies are suffering losses under the Sanctions War while the Don’t Pay UK campaign gains ground, so far 100,000 people have signed it. Sir Keir Starmer’s solution is a magic Energy Price Freeze plan which will cost £29 billion. People are unplugging fridges to save on energy bills, something the UK Health Security Agency has now warned against. This is what requiem means : A church mass in solemn remembrance of what was alive, but is now dead, like the British Economy.

When it comes to magic, nobody can outperform Germany, where households are paying €500 more for energy as the country “spreads the pain” of the gas it cannot find. Klaus Ernst, the chairman of the Energy Committee in the Bundestag has called the administration’s divorce with Russian Energy a Hara-Kiri for Europe’s largest Economy on the pages of the Berliner Zeitung, and is calling – openly – for the re-opening of Nord Stream two. The Czech Trinity Bank’s Chief Economist Lukas Kovanda has pre-emptively predicted a “shameful” relaunch of the pipeline in an article for the newspaper Lidovky, which made me laugh out loud.

But not according to the Green Habeck, who calls the current Energy Crisis and insane prices a “bitter medicine” for companies because the business model they were using – based on cheap Russian energy – has failed and is never coming back again. It’s as if he was talking about the competitiveness or even the mere existence of German Industry which was quite strong just a year ago before he himself axed it. To put this into context : Norway is supplying the absolute maximum of Natural Gas to Germany it can, Qatar – despite all the announcements of grand deals a month ago – is supplying nothing, and according to Bloomberg the Germans need a 20% cut in Gas consumption across the board to survive the Winter, something I have never seen a modern economy do, and can’t really imagine. Yes, according to regulators the German reserves are above 70% but it is August, people. Think about why they need 20% reduction if everything is fine and dandy.

So the “solution” for Germany comes from Olaf – it doesn’t have to be a snowman – Scholz, who flew to Canada and photographed himself in the wild with Justine Trudeau ( not a typo, photo under sources ), who will provide the ideal solution : Hydrogen! It will one day be generated – using natural gas by the way – in Canada, then transported to Germany where it can be used for example to power cars that do not yet exist, and German auto-industry can no longer manufacture. You know, it could become a viable solution in 10 maybe 20 years, not a few months which is the time Germany still has. 

But the absolute madness still comes from the East for some reason. The Kurwatic Republic of Poland has come up with this idea of implementing a limited travel ban – unlike the Latvian madness – across Europe where only the long-term Schengen Visas would be cut for Russians entering the European Union, and so far Finland has shown itself open to the idea, limiting those long-term Visas to 500, because this is the only thing Europe still controls. They have sanctioned everything – and quietly un-sanctioned a lot of that – and achieved nothing so they have to find something they can still stick to Russia, and this insanity is only outdone by Lithuania, where they believe in a travel ban only for people opposing Vladimir Putin, based on simple steely logic that probably goes like this : If we keep enough of those ( probably a couple of hundred ) people in Russia, an overthrow is surely imminent!

Lithuania – by the way – has been warned by China of a direct response to their silly little delegation to Taiwan, and F*cking little Estonia has temporarily closed its border to Russia – while still trying to strangle Kaliningrad – for the purpose of dismantling a T-34 tank monument and other memorials. This is a high crime, in my mind. There are parts of my history I dislike, there are monsters in my past like Horthy and Szálasi, but they cannot be erased, because part of myself would be erased with them.  

But pay not attention to the kicking and squealing of the Midgets, because there is Russia a massive amazing country – under sources you will see a magnificent trailer to a new movie, In Russia – and there is China, who are conducting joint military exercises now in the East, ending the myth once and for all that Russia is out of fighters, ammunition or hardware. There were two important events in Moscow this week, in tandem : The 10th Moscow Conference on International Security – I’d like to add that NO detail is available about the discussion only a list of attendees – and the Army 2022 massive weapons expo, and they were the venue for two historic speeches, by President Big Bad Vlad, and by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.

I know I’m running out of time – and space – so I will give you a few highlights. They both spoke of the definitive end of Unipolarity and so-called US Hegemony, and of NATO’s certain knowledge that Victory in Ukraine will be achieved by Russia, but Vladimir Putin, for the first time – I think – spoke openly of an alternative to the blueprints of Western Globalist Elites, which used to be hegemonic, spelling stagnation for the entire world outside. They have no loyalty to any particular country and are transnational in nature. Finally he praised three regions in particular, who don’t bend to the will of the so-called hegemon : Latin America, Asia and Africa, and now that it is obvious that even the weapons of the old empire are failing, the Army 2022 expo was basically a showcase of superiority. 

I will be the first to say that Russia and China are not without problems, the first has issues primarily in the automobile sector, fast being addressed by Iran’s Kodro cars, and China’s multiple brands and the latter are increasingly looking at the bursting of a property bubble which they will handle their own way. Some inflation in economies which have markets one way or the other is necessary, like a forest fire purging what is unhealthy. But both economies are strong, weathered storm after storm and are using their might to provide the world with an alternative. 

Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamanei has called for the removal of the dollar for Global transactions, after signing a $40 billion deal with Gazprom, and is calling for a brand new currency for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or SCO, a gigantic partnership, completely abandoning the US dollar. Lula de Silva, at this point Brazil’s future president is calling for a new South American currency called the Sur ( or South ) which is “free of the US dollar”. Russia is offering its SPFS system to friendly countries, its alternative to SWIFT completely free from the prying eyes of the United States. Do you see it? The new Rest of the World, rapidly becoming independent of the old West? 

I sure do, and I couldn’t be happier that Russia and China, long separated by that otherwise genius Nixon-era move, are at the heart of it. The Chinese People have Stood Up, with Mao’s now legendary words seventy years ago, and as for the Russians :

In all the world no people are so tearless, so proud, so simple as are we.

Anna Akhmatova

Have a lovely Thursday morning, afternoon or evening whatever sky looks down on you reading these lines.

Peace, Land and Bread

From Facebook Archives : 18 August 2022


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